Young Adults Ministry

He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Luke 10:27

The Imago Dei: A Journey Within

After more than a year in "COVID19 Captivity" we either become bitter or better emerging from a life-threatening experience.

This is an invitation to continuous self-discovery within a group. Personal growth based on self-disclosure, group feedback, and faith. The vision of this event is wholeness of the self and community through sharing and learning conversation and meditation, giving and receiving, binding and loosing, holding dear and letting go with the process of healing, growth, education and nurture.

Theology and the Arts: God's Masterpiece

This endeavor examines the convergence of art, culture, and faith. Throughout history, the arts in various mediums have reflected cultural change and even expressed foretelling voices into our theological understanding.

With the pastor as facilitator, the young adults will be guided to critically integrate theology and the arts as they creatively explore and express their faith and relationship with God, others, and the self.

The Gospel and Pop Culture: God in Unexpected Places

The group brings up current events in culture and society through various forms of media--films, music, podcasts, books, news--and through the lens of Scripture, endeavor to discover God in unexpected places.

Community Immersion: Jesus in Galilee

Community immersion allows individuals who are not familiar with the people and communities where they will work to immerse themselves in these settings and to gain cultural competence. This can create the opportunity for the YA to reflect on one's assumptions, attitudes, and knowledge.

Jesus' life and ministry was all about immersing himself with everyone in society. Most of his works happened in the regions of Galilee which was the melting pot of cultures and communities at that time.

The YAV Experience

The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is an ecumenical, faith-based year of service for young people (ages 19–30) in sites across the United States and around the world. YAVs accompany local agencies working to address root causes of poverty and reconciliation. Alongside this work, volunteers explore the meaning of their Christian faith and accountability to their neighbors in the community with peers and mentors.

The YAV year occurs from August to August.

Presbyterian Mission Agency Young Adult Volunteers | Become a YAV | Presbyterian Mission

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Young Adults lead worship every fifth Sunday of the month.